Strange January

Hard to believe 2013 is here! I suppose we should have closed the year out with an official update on the year letter, but that would come from David, so maybe it will yet appear. January here in Karamoja is supposed to be hot and dry, and it hasn't been too much of either. Yes, the rains subsided for a while, but though they haven't come back with quite the energy, they still have come a little here and a little there. It seems the weather in Karamoja is changing. To be in a place where the weather is so connected with the road conditions, is often challenging. We have had very messy roads this past year so I was looking forward to our dry season to dry it all out even though it can be very hot. It seems I need to wait a bit longer. Patience and thankfulness, often two very difficult things to possess. Ever on the list for prayer. :-)


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