Still Out Here...

Well, we have finally gotten with the times I suppose and have started a blog. We plan to put our updates out here for you all to read. Please forgive the delay in hearing from us. We have just finished a busy season of visitors. It was a blessing to have them here. We had a total of 4 groups that came from the beginning of June until just this past week. Some overlapped, so at one point we had 19 with us! It’s always an encouragement to have short-termers with us and our kids love having new “friends” around. It was also fun to see old friends back here (like Amy DeWit). We even had our own pediatrician here for a few weeks. Free check-ups for the kids! Dr. Gayle Murray was a blessing to have, not just for her expertise, but also her fellowship. We also had two friends from our home church here. Karen and Laura Goodhart came for 3 weeks. Laura, a nurse, worked in the medical clinic. Karen, a 1st grade school teacher did some “school” time with our 5 ½ yr old Caleb while she was here (among other things). He enjoyed it very much. All the kids enjoyed the Goodhart sisters greatly. From construction projects, to VBS programs, to work in the clinic, it was a productive time by all. It’s hard to believe it has come to an end already.

During this busy time, just maintaining has been a full time job and David regrets not being able to do much by way of follow up visitation to the villages where he and Al Tricarico (now on furlough) have done evangelism. He was nevertheless greatly encouraged recently to hear that a group in Nakathan continues to meet for fellowship. The Lord is at work. As I write, David is out visiting that group.

Since every visitor has left us for now (except a young lady, Eden, who will help teach the Wright family kids), David, I and the kids are headed down country next week for some time to visit with friends and relax. We are looking forward to seeing some old friends that we haven’t spent much time with since moving back to Karamoja as a family.

The kids are good. Megan is turning 3 next month and Jacob is already 9 months! Where does the time go? Caleb is still being homeschooled by mom, which he enjoys…at least for the most part. :)

All for now…

Sunshine (for all the Okkens)


Brett said…
It's good to hear the encouraging update. You guys are always in my prayers. May the Lord continue to bless your efforts in Karamoja.

Karen Wynott said…
Love the new blog & the pics.
mama Bette Jo said…
Dear David and Sunshine,
thanks so much for sharing this way on a blogg..I will pass on the site to Teresa Jo and Eric. So much time has passed...and you children are growing up so fast.
What exciting days you must have with little surprises around each corner. The Lord has put you in a most unusual place--you & your family are always in my prayers..
Hugs & prayers,
Bette Jo McDonald
Trudy Verdick said…
Dear Ones...Yesterday I spent the afternoon with you by way of the 2005 OPC Karamoja video by the Ardivinos and John Stafford. Sweet! I am happy for your sake that you have a blog and are on a little r&r with friends. Be refreshed in the Lord.
Andrew Moody said…
I'm glad to see the new blog, and look forward to reading future updates! Greetings from your church family at Christ Covenant OPC in Amarillo. Please send our greetings also to the the Wrights for us!

Grace and Peace,
Andrew Moody
I am so excited you have a blog! Thanks Sunshine!
evdjagt said…
So good to hear from you and great idea to have a blog! The picture brought back a flood of memories from my trip last fall. what a blessing to have so many people be there during the summer and get some things done.

Just had the Tricaricos here overnight this week and had a wonderful time with them also.

Blessings to all of you,

With warmest wishes.

Elise van der Jagt
Jan said…
Hi Dave & Sunshine,

Good to see your update.

Will be praying for Megan and all of you.

Bruce Fox said…
This reminds me of our Trevor Rose blog. You probably heard about Tina and Jeff's premature baby and the miracle of his life accompanied by a blog heard round the world.
Now we hear from Uganda,very exciting. So the Foxes add more prayers now that we hear more. God bless you as His Holy Spirit empowers you.
Bruce and Vonnie Fox

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