Upcoming Team
We ask that you please pray for the ministry of a team who
will be here for a month beginning at the end of June. They are being organized
and sent by my own home presbytery (regional church), the Presbytery of
Southern California of the O.P.C. I am excited about the fact that the team
will be led by my friend, Peter Sim, a pastor from Anaheim.
We will use this time of ministry for our official launching
of the children’s catechism, which we recently completed translating and then
publishing. Our ministry will focus on its teaching about the 3 offices of
Christ. As the messiah, Christ fulfills the office of prophet, priest and king.
We have arranged to be in at least five different schools. The
team will conduct a V.B.S. program in which they will teach these Biblical
truths, tell Bible stories and perform skits. The students will also get to do
crafts and play games. Please pray that the Lord will touch the hearts of the
students as they learn about Christ and meet some new friends from far away.
We are also excited about a conference which we will host
specifically for pastors and church leaders. It will be led by myself, Pastor
Al and Pastor Peter. We will provide more in-depth teaching about how Christ
fulfills these 3 offices. And we will think together about how our Lord does so
through leaders in his church who serve as his under-shepherds. We are hoping
to have up to 100 church leaders in attendance. We pray that they will be blessed
and strengthened by the teaching. We also pray that they might find the catechism
to be a helpful tool in teaching Biblical truths to their congregations.
Please pray for save travels for the group, not only as they
come all the way over to Uganda but then as we make the journey up to Karamoja.
And pray that the rains will not disrupt travels or ministry plans during these
We look forward to reporting the great things that the Lord
will do in answer to our prayers!