November Update

Greetings from Karamoja! Is it hot and dry or cold and wet? We are never sure anymore. Back in September I announced the arrival of the dry season. That announcement proved premature as very heavy rains quickly returned. (Had history taught me nothing?!) Soon after, Al Tricarico and Jesse Van Gorkom even had to spend one night in their vehicle having failed to reach home due to the muddy roads. We thank God for protecting them through the night. And alas, those days seemed to be behind us until next year (we thought?!). Until two days ago, we had experienced so many days of tremendous dryness, heat and dust. It felt like we would never see rain again. Then suddenly a day of multiple downpours quickly caused such road problems that Jim Knox had to cancel a trip to Mbale.

When it is dry, we are thankful for easier travel. But that also means the return of other dangers. As water sources dry up, thirsty snakes come searching for a drink. A very large cobra was recently killed on Mission property. Wild fires are also common this time of year. Dry or wet, God is faithful. We are so thankful for the way that he has always protected us from harm. We know that he has done so in answer to your prayers. More importantly, we ask you to pray that neither the rains nor the seemingly unbearable heat will diminish our strength and zeal to labor for the advancement of the gospel in this place.

Recently, we taught through the book of Ruth. In such a sad period in Israel’s history when everyone was doing “what was right in his own eyes”, what an amazing testimony of God’s faithfulness. He continued working and, in his perfect timing, he would provide a desperately needed king, David. And he used an unexpected Moabite, Ruth, whose kindness to Naomi became an example of God’s own steadfast love, his faithfulness to his covenant, which was so rare among his people in those days. And the promise that, despite all their unworthiness, God would yet redeem his people, was shown forth so wonderfully. Ruth and Naomi were blessed by God’s provision of Boaz, the kinsman-redeemer. Of course, the truly faithful Israelite as well as the redeemer was neither Ruth nor Boaz but their descendant. In Christ Jesus, God became like one of us, a relative (!) who redeems us out of our sin and misery by his death and resurrection. And he even makes us to share with him in his inheritance in glory forever. Jesus, David’s greater son, is the perfect and eternal king.

The story was taught among our Mission and in the many villages where we continue to deliver the gospel each week. Since then, we have begun some teaching which I have prepared on various gospel doctrines as presented in The Westminster Shorter Catechism. They cover topics such as the work of Christ in calling us by his Spirit, bringing about spiritual new birth, forgiving us and counting us as righteous, making us to become God’s adopted children, and changing us to become more and more holy. Each lesson flows out of a particular Biblical story and is full of Scripture texts to support the particular teaching. Please pray that God will use these lessons in the lives of the various village teachers as well as their hearers to grow strong in the grace of Jesus Christ.

Following Martha Wright’s good suggestion, I am also teaching these materials to the staff of our Pre-primary School. We are thankful for the way that God has been blessing the school and we pray that he will do a mighty work in the lives of the young children who receive instruction each day. We want their teachers to be sound in faith as well and we pray that this instruction will serve to that end.           
In our church plant, Pastor Al and I have been preaching through the gospel of Matthew. We have also been using materials which he wrote as we are teaching a new member’s class. We are thankful for a good number of those interested in joining the church. We pray that the church will be strengthened as Christ continues to work in and through his people. Also, please pray for strength and safe travels for Al. He is teaching a month-long course down in Mbale at the Theological College several days per week.

The Clinic has been quite busy these days. Please pray for Jim Knox. So often we are hearing his vehicle drive off in the middle of the night to attend to another medical emergency. Pray that God would bless him with strength and wisdom as he is continually confronted with life and death decisions. And pray for the gospel proclamation which takes place to the many patients that come from all over our area for care. 

Our family is doing well. All three children recently celebrated birthdays. We appreciate your prayers for Sunshine who keeps very busy with their homeschooling. I also help some. And we are very thankful for Christopher Verdick’s good work teaching Caleb a class on Literature and Writing.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support and may the blessings of Christ abound to all of you!


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