Gospel Blessings in Naliakat

Lokwii David is laboring full-time again. We praise the Lord for his continued growth in grace and progress in ministry.

This has enabled us to divide our labors and explore possible new venues. Well, not too far from our Naminyit Village study is a place called Naliakat (which is also part of broader Naminyit). Last week, after the Naminyit study, Lokwii Paul and I visited this new place and found some folks who seemed very eager to host a weekly Bible study. Yesterday, we returned there. As we sat under the big tree, a group of men, women and children quickly gathered. I counted about sixty. It is rare to see such a large group interested in stopping their activities to sit and listen to the Word of God. It seemed to be very well received. They actually applauded when we finished.

They heard about King Balak’s efforts to bring a curse upon the people of Israel through the prophet Balaam (Numbers 22-24). They learned of the Lord’s work, even through a talking donkey, to ensure that Balaam only blessed Israel. Those whom God has blessed, no man can curse! “And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Genesis 17:3). We shared about Balaam’s prophecy of the coming Blessed One, Jesus – “…a star shall come out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel…” (Numbers 24:17).

We ask for your continued prayers that the seed of God’s Word would bear fruit – thirtyfold, sixtyfold and a hundredfold! May gospel blessings abound in Naliakat!


Unknown said…
Keep up the great work! I'm praying for you.

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