Christmas Greeting

Christmas greetings from Nakaale! It seems the dry season has finally come upon us which means wind! Yes, and some warmer temperatures. It is hard to believe that we are at this Christmas season again. It seems like so much has happened this year, but looking back, everything seems like a blur. We are thankful to God that He has given us another year. 

This Fall was full with birthdays. Caleb is now 9 years old and still blond. People say he is looking more and more like his dad. I have to be honest and say that his 4th grade schoolwork overall might not be his favorite thing, but he does enjoy History and Science. So, at the moment, it is all about Vikings and bats. His fairly constant companion is his Karimojong friend, Tony, who at the moment is on a school break so Caleb gets to see him more often.
Megan is now 6 and enjoying 1st grade. She still enjoys her dolls and her jewelry, but her two brothers definitely influence her interests. So we often see Iron Man and Cinderella playing together J. She has also become quite skilled with her bike which she also enjoys. I must confess I am thankful to the Lord that He only gives us what we can handle. He must have known that I could only handle one girl! She is very girly and has the stuff that goes along with that – emotions! But this provides a good opportunity for me to learn patience. I definitely need to learn it better. Maybe that’s why God gives me so many chances.
Jacob is now 4 years old and insists that he is getting bigger and bigger and will soon be bigger than daddy.  Everything is about size and age. We do a bit of preschool and he enjoys being at the table with his brother and sister for little bits at a time. He has also enjoyed spending time with our neighbor, Jenny Knox, who recently began taking him once a week for some structured preschool fun. Jacob loves it and I welcome a little break!
Just a few months ago David and I celebrated our 12th anniversary! The years pass by so quickly in some ways. Hard to imagine that in just a few short years we will have a teenager. Yikes! As with all parents, we pray that our children will grow into servants of godly character who love the Lord and one another. What a task set before us to train them up, only possible with the strength of Christ! How thankful we are to the Lord for each other as well as these three precious gifts and for all the gifts He gives us.
We hope you will have a blessed Christmas and experience the peace and joy that only Christ can give.


ctb18 said…
Merry Christmas from frozen upstate NY!

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