October Ministry Update

Greetings from Karamoja!

We asked you to pray for a break from the rains. Your prayers were answered. It definitely feels like the wet season is behind us. It is hot and the roads are dry (and even slowly being repaired in many places) for safer travel. We thank the Lord.

It also means that ministry activities are not being rained out. I am thankful for good attendance as well as attentive listeners to village Bible studies these past weeks. In our chronological Bible story teaching, Al Tricarico has continued leading studies out in the villages of Akuyam and Kopetatum, where this past week he taught the story of the golden calf (Ex. 32). When we begin in a new village, sometimes we start from the beginning of the Bible. So, in Nakathian and Naminyit where I began teaching some time back, we have just reached the story of Noah and the flood. What a powerful story teaching us about human depravity, God’s judgment and His great salvation through Jesus. How blessed we are to be safe in the ark in Christ. What a privilege to share this story and to call others to flee the coming judgment and to take refuge in God’s Son who bore the flood of God’s wrath in our place. Truly, Jesus, even more than Noah, “…did all that the LORD had commanded him”! (Gen. 7:5). Please pray for faithful attendance and that the word of Christ might enter many hearts. Pray as well for leaders whom the Lord might use in building His church in these villages. Pray as well for wisdom in discerning where the Lord is opening doors for ministry in new villages.

I have enjoyed opportunities to be present for medical outreaches. Dr. Jim, some members of the Clinic staff and some others on our Mission go out to the villages to deliver medical care in Jesus’ name. It provides a great opportunity to be with folks and share with them stories from God’s Word. We try to do this in villages where we have a regular word ministry.
We also continue to work with local indigenous churches. We had begun a monthly Bible study meeting with several pastors. That experienced something of a set-back recently due to some strains in the relationships between some of these local pastors. Please pray for reconciliation. And pray with us that God would work to strengthen His church, making the saints to be sound in faith as well as to abound in love and good works. We want to be used of the Lord to that end.

Our family is doing well. Homeschooling is always a challenge but Sunshine is doing a great job teaching Megan and Caleb with Jacob also finding ways to get into the middle of it all. Please pray for wisdom, strength and patience for both mom and kids.

Dave (for all of us)            


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