Well, yesterday we returned to our home here in Nakaale after spending the week down country. A wonderful time of swimming, ice cream and seeing friends. Not to mention a wonderful internet connection! It had been quite some time since the family had been out of Karamoja, so we were excited from some little luxuries. Hot showers, ice cream, pool, and yes a little shopping ;-). We also had a great time visiting with our teammates and new friends in Mbale, and also seeing friends we haven't seen in a long time. Thank you to all who made the visit wonderful! Until the next time...which won't be so long!
P.S. Cholera update. It is still here, but moving slowly. Someone did die in the nearby village of Kopetatum (where we hold a early Sunday morning service). I think still just a few cases seen at the clinic, but not everyone goes to the clinic. So please continue to keep the community in prayer.


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