The Sinless One
Last week Lokwii Paul and I went out to teach a Bible
story together. In a couple of different villages we had the same interesting
experience. We told the story from Numbers 20 where Moses sinned by striking
the rock with his staff contrary to the Lord’s clear command to tell the rock to bring forth water for the
Israelites. We taught how the story reminds us that all people are sinners. The
Israelites sinned by grumbling and complaining. Moses also sinned. He failed to
believe in the Lord and to uphold Him as holy before the people (Nu. 20:12).
His spirit became bitter and he spoke rashly with his lips (Ps. 106:33). So he
lost the privilege of leading the people into the land which God had promised.
Our friends agreed with us that all people are sinners. We
explored further this sad reality. “Is it really true that every single person who ever lived was a sinner?” “Yes, all sinners.”
“Not even one exception?” “Not one.” When I mentioned that there was actually one
man who was different, who was completely without sin, no one could tell us who
that was. Even with many hints they could not come up with the name of this mystery
sinless one. When we mentioned that it was the one who died on the cross, some
did finally mention the name Jesus. I was surprised at this complete lack of
awareness that Jesus was without sin. Afterall, I would estimate that more than
90% of our listeners were baptized Roman Catholics. I am certain that almost
every person in both villages where this occurred would profess to be a
We explained why this truth is of such crucial
importance. Jesus alone provides the perfect righteousness which sinners need
in order to come into the presence of a perfectly righteous and holy God. And
only the sinless God man, Jesus, was able to provide an acceptable sacrifice to
pay for the sins of folks like the grumbling Israelites and Moses as well as
our Karimojong friends and you and me.
Of course, God alone knows the heart of each villager in
Karamoja. But if it is essential to true Christian faith to affirm (and
certainly have some conscious awareness of the fact) that Jesus, the Son of
God, was without sin, then this experience should serve as a powerful reminder
that there are countless nominal (name only) Christians in Karamoja who are not
trusting in the sinless savior. This means that they are lost in their sins.
Please pray for them. And pray for us as we continue to share with them about
the redemption that comes only through “the precious blood of Christ, like that
of a lamb without blemish or spot” (1 Pet. 1:19), the one who alone “has been
tempted as we are, yet without sin” (Heb. 4:15). There is none other who can
take away our sins. “Indeed, Jesus Christ, the righteous…is the propitiation for
our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world” (1 Jn.
I am very happy to report that Lokwii David is again
teaching Bible studies as well as doing translation work. His wife also
recently gave birth to their third child, Lotee Nathan, who was baptized this
past Lord’s Day. Thank the Lord for His work of grace in this young man and his