Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for your many encouraging words and
prayers in response to my last update. I apologize for being slow in following
up with a report. The two church members who took extra wives both stood up and
confessed their sin before the congregation. We are saddened by the sin but
praise our God for the amazing grace of forgiveness which He lavishes upon us
in Christ and which, accordingly, we extended to these men. Please pray that
these men would walk in faithful purposed new obedience as they have promised.
Pray as well that God would use their confession in the lives of others who are
facing the same temptation. We take joy in knowing that our Lord can and does
bring good out of even the worst of circumstances.
That is a lesson which we are taught again in again in the
word. I am reminded of this often as we share different stories through our village
chronological Bible story teaching. This past week, some villages learned about the promise that came to Hagar
and Ishmael (Genesis 21). Even after they were expelled from Abraham’s family when
Ishmael laughed at Isaac, God saved Ishmael from death and promised to make of
him a great nation (vv. 18-19). God’s plan, of course, would include the gospel
one day going to the descendants of Ishmael along with all the nations. Other
villages learned about the last plague in Egypt, and the Israelites being saved
from death through the blood of the Passover lamb (Exodus 12).
Still other villages have been learning about Samson. We
remind our Karimojong friends that Samson was not always a model of godly
conduct, especially not for Christian men and would-be husbands. Quite the
opposite. Samson was raised up to judge a nation in desperate need of a
righteous leader – “…there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right
in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25). Yet, Israel’s judge proved no better. He
sought a Philistine wife, telling his father that “…she is right in my eyes”
(Judges 14:3). His womanizing led to his complete demise, so it seemed. But God
was at work in all of it to accomplish His great purpose and plan. Perhaps, it
was not until Samson’s suffering and humiliation at the hands of the
Philistines that his heart was finally broken before the Lord. Weak, blind and at the brink of death, Samson
called to the Lord. And, as in the case of our sin-bearing savior, God used the
death of this servant to bring about a great victory over the enemies of His
people (Judges 16:30). And, amazingly, Samson went down in redemptive history
as a model of faith (Hebrews 11:32). God’s grace is truly great! Please pray that
His word will bear much fruit in Karamoja.
The rains have largely subsided and things have dried up. We
are thankful for the break from the wet muddy roads and the ability to travel
more easily. At the same time, we pray for just enough rain to water our beans
currently growing in the fields. Our God is able to supply all our needs.
Thanks again for your prayers.
In Christ,