
Where have you gone month!? Some hightlights…

  • Tricarico family (teammates) were still away in the States
  • Jacob fell back in his chair and split his head open. Just 2 stitches needed. :-)
  • One of the puppies, Levi, was bitten by possible rabid dog and needed quarantined for 10 days. Thankful to say all is well now. No rabies present.
  • Tricarico family returned to Karamoja Sept. 4 :-)

Yes, we are happy to have the Tricaricos back with us! David and Al can continue working on outreach opportunities and together attack ministry challenges that we face here. We continue to struggle with how best to minister to the Karimojong and long to see African leadership in the church here. Please pray for us in this. Please also pray for continued language learning. I and the kids have started up…again and it is slow going. Pray that our tongues would be gifted. :-)

Yes, Jacob has had some excitement this month. Little boys! We also have been tackling potty training. Oh dear! I will admit I am happy he is the last one to go through this. We are making progress, although at times, slow progress. He turns 3 in November so I guess we aren’t too behind.

In the next week or so we plan to start Kindergarten with Megan! She is very excited for this to happen. We are still on a strange schedule with Caleb due to the craziness of furlough, so we are still wrapping up 2nd Grade. Jacob has his ‘school’ moments which mostly consist of coloring. There can be fun days and there definitely can be challenging days when I would love to not be their teacher! You can pray for me and these challenges.

As always, thank you so much for your prayers and support and encouragement. They are so needed!


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