February Update

Is it really almost March?! An update is overdue. It has been a crazy time in Uganda leading up to this past week’s election. After all was said and done, we cannot say that we were terribly surprised to hear the result. The nation will continue with the same president. We rest under the sovereign rule of the God of heaven who, in His timing and according to His will, “removes kings and sets up kings” (Daniel 2:21). In fact, a while back we finished teaching through the Daniel stories for our village evangelistic Bible studies. Now we are in the book of Ezra, learning about the Jewish exiles who returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. The same God who had called Israel out of slavery in Egypt to dwell with Him in the Land of Canaan did great things to return them after the exile. He is the same God who is calling a people out of slavery to sin and into fellowship with His Son, Jesus, who is the true temple, Immanuel, God with us. Please pray His blessing on these studies....