
Showing posts from May, 2012

Witchcraft in Karamoja

Dear Friends, Witchcraft continues to be widely practiced in Karamoja. Just this week, some of our own workers and friends believe that they have felt its effects very deeply. A woman named Kodet Martina suddenly and unexplainably “went mad” and then died. When she first became ill, they took her to the hospital but no particular illness could be diagnosed. Martina was the cousin of Cosmas, a worker and good friend of our Mission. Cosmas is also a brother in Christ and member of our church. Apparently, there had been terrible enmity between Martina and her nearby neighbor. After much severe quarreling, this neighbor, whose husband is a witch doctor, threatened to cast a spell on this woman. Now mourning the loss of their loved one, the entire family is convinced that “that curse” is what caused Martina’s sudden death. And there is fear that the spell may yet affect others in the family. A man named Loumo Gabriel also recently became severely ill. As with Martina, this sickn...

Our Latest Lawn Mower

who says you need a machine :-)

Garden is growing

The plants are coming...though I can't take any credit!

Greetings from wet Karamoja

Our front yard Warm greetings from a very wet Karamoja! I promised frequent updates and the main thing to report since I wrote two weeks ago is – rain, rain and more rain. We are thankful for the Lord’s gracious provision. The ground is soft and wet and people are eagerly plowing fields and sowing their seed. We pray that God will continue to provide consistent rains, bless all of the hard work that takes place and provide a bountiful harvest. And we pray that His kindness would move many to repentance. The rains do bring trials to life. In my last update I mentioned a storm in which lightening struck too close to home and ruined our power source. Well, this past week we had big trees blown down, one on Tuesday and two more on Thursday. And after Thursday’s storm we spent a couple of hours mopping up all the water which had blown into homes, ours as well as those of furloughing missionaries. Fun! Add to that the fact that the road is very muddy and vehicles are stuck al...

This past week...

Megan lost her first tooth! Out dressing dad for church Fun place to take a nap Casualty of a big hail storm he wanted to be a Karimojong